AWCSW conducted a meeting in collaboration with Clackate Media and Communications in each of the targeted areas of "Enhancing Palestinian Women's Participation in Public and Political Life" program; namely, Beit-Sira, Kharbtha Bani Harith, Beit ‘Ur, Saffa, and Kharbtha al-Misbah in Ramallah and Al-Bireh Governorates, as well as Al-Yamun, Burqin, Fahme, Kufr Ra’i, and Al-Sila al-Harithiya in Jenin Governorate. The meeting aimed at elucidating the obstacles that hinder women’s participation in political and social field and the tactics of handling them properly.
The collaborative meeting was attended by female members of local councils in the targeted villages and female university students. Together, they defined the needs of each village and inferred a number of recommendations concentrating on promoting women’s political and public participation and activating their role in decision-making positions. Most importantly, they recommended:
- To concentrate on women’s needs in each village and the ways of minimizing them.
- To have a number of active and initiative women in each village to raise women’s political and social aptitude.
- To network and coordinate with politically active women leaders.
- To boost women economically through settling up licensed women organizations concentrating on seeking grants from international organizations.
However, "Enhancing Palestinian Women's Participation in Public and Political Life" program is funded by UN Women/FGE.
19/08/20144,244 View
Challenges and Opportunities in the Way of Promoting Women’s Role in Political and Public Field