AWSCW/Public Relations and Programs Department completed the third series of women’s meetings that came within the framework of "Enhancing Palestinian Women's Participation in Public and Political Life" program that is carried out in Beit-Sira, Kharbtha Bani Harith, Beit ‘Ur, Saffa, and Kharbtha al-Misbah in Ramallah and Al-Bireh Governorates, as well as Al-Yamun, Burqin, Fahme, Kufr Ra’i, and Al-Sila al-Harithiya in Jenin Governorate.
The third series was revolved around the community initiatives that aimed at serving the local community through settling up students services centers, sewing centers, and libraries. This has come after a discussion between remembers of local councils, grass root organizations, women leaders, and citizens from the targeted villages to identify the main needs of these areas. This process has come to facilitate the work of subcommittees’ members of designing a proposal for an initiative aims at promoting women’s role in villages as well as their councils.
It’s worth noting that "Enhancing Palestinian Women's Participation in Public and Political Life" program is funded by UN Women/FGE.
04/09/20144,205 View
Association of Women’s Committees for Social Work Completes the Third Series of Women’s Meetings