AWCSW has worked for the past 30 years at uniting women and advocating their common cause, helping groups and individuals to build their capacity and contribute to the development of our society. AWCSW works on different fronts to promote gender equality in a democratic Palestinian society; in the social and democracy field, and on various levels; on community, regional and national level.
AWCSW has in recent years expanded the reach of its programs, making a real difference in the Palestinian society by carefully determining the needs of women and local women’s organizations and by developing programs and projects to meet those needs.
AWCSW has achieved operational excellence; our organization has transparent financial statements, our program designs demonstrate great assessment skills and facilitate innovative ideas, our program implementation shows unifying capabilities, empowerment support and impact, all earning us the respect of the society, and support of funding organizations.
We further do not seek to compete with other organizations, but rather seek their engagement, building networks and establishing partnerships, so as to facilitate success of our and their programs.
Looking at the future, AWCSW seeks to continue its role as advocate of women's rights, promoter of women capacities, and driving force of social change. There is still much that needs to be done, but there are also many achievements that we can build on. In this time of revolutionary change in the Arab world, we reach out to our partners and all others that are committed to gender equality to support the implementation of our programs.